
Before you start treatment, it’s a good idea to have the following tests done by your doctor:

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Chlamydia: Cell sample from the cervix, a urine sample is also sufficient (women under 32 years)

In addition, we recommend these further examinations:

  • Smear from the cervix
  • Antibody test rubella

If you work with children, you should get tested for parvovirus and CMV (cytomegalovirus).

Women should be screened for cervical cancer every 3 years between the ages of 23-59 years.
The exam is done by your own doctor and consists of a smear test that tests the cells in the cervix for abnormal cells.

The smear is also taken as a control after treatment of the preliminary stages of uterine cancer. This examination should be carried out before the start of treatment, as this and cancer prevention treatment is not possible during pregnancy.

Toxoplasmosis is a common infectious disease, the causative agent of which is a parasite that mostly affects cats, but humans can also be an intermediate host. An initial infection can have devastating consequences, especially in pregnant women, as the pathogen can cause serious damage to the prospering of the unborn child.

If you deal with children in your everyday life, we also recommend that you will be tested for the following:

Parvovirus (ringlet rubella)
Ringlet rubella is also called the 5th childhood disease and is caused by parvovirus B19, which mainly affects children between the ages of 5 and 15 during winter and spring months. However, people of all ages can be affected.

Parents of young children and those who work with children are particularly exposed. However, 2 out of 3 adults have already had the disease and are therefore immune. If you get infected during pregnancy, there is a risk that your child will develop blood deficiency.
Your doctor can do a blood test to determine whether you are immune to ringlet rubella.

CMV (cytomegalovirus)
CMV is a viral infection that most people have had by the age of 50. If infected, you have either no symptoms or only mild symptoms that resemble flu. Usually, the virus is not a great risk, but CMV is a high-risk factor for an unborn child. The child can get infected through the mother during the entire pregnancy. Congenital CMV can cause neurological damage.
Your doctor can do a blood test to determine whether you are immune to CMV.

Rubella is a childhood disease that you are immune to once you have had it or been vaccinated against it. However, if you have not yet developed rubella or have been vaccinated against it, complications such as malformations in the child or miscarriages can occur during pregnancy.
For this reason, we recommend that you have a blood sample taken by your doctor, as this will show whether you have antibodies in your blood. If not, you can get vaccinated before starting treatment. However, the treatment may not take place earlier than 3 months after the vaccination.


If you have previously suffered from an infection or multiple infections of the uterus or fallopian tubes, or if you have had chlamydia or gonorrhea, scar tissue may have formed in the fallopian tubes, which can hinder the passage of the egg and sperm cell. Some women also have abdominal infections without even realizing it.

For this reason, we would like to recommend that you have your gynecologist examine you before you start your treatment with us. With this background knowledge, you can find the best possible type of treatment together with us.

We kindly ask you to have an ultrasound done so treatment can begin.
We need information about:

The number of follicles (AFC – antral follicle count), as the result has an influence on which type of treatment is best for you and what dose of hormones should be administered during treatment.
The existence of any cysts or polyps, fibroids or endometriosis cysts that may need treatment before we can start your IVF treatment.

HSG (hysterosalpingography, X-ray contrast) & HSU (Hyster sonographic examination, ultrasound)
(recommandable before insemination treatment, not mandatory)

Hormone tests

Hormone tests measure the blood levels of certain hormones the body makes during each cycle. Hormones influence every step that is necessary to achieve pregnancy, from the development of the egg cell to ovulation and the implantation of the fertilized egg cell in the uterine lining.

We need the following measurements (hormone, metabolism, D-vitamin) in order to plan the best possible treatment for you:

AMH (Anti Müllerian Hormone) – the result is informative in relation to your egg reserve and shows which treatment option is best for you and which hormone dosage is appropriate during the treatment (part of your fertility assessment with us, therefore you don’t need to do it before).

TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) – the result indicates whether your metabolism is balanced; if not, the pituitary gland might release more prolactin, which can affect egg quality and fetal growth during pregnancy.

D vitamin: Many studies suggest that D vitamin increases the chances of pregnancy and implantation.
These exams can take place at any point during the cycle.

We also recommend testing the following hormones:

FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) – this hormone stimulates egg maturation in the ovary, but should not be too high

LH (Luteinizing Hormone) – this hormone triggers ovulation

Estradiol (Estrogen Hormone) – this hormone regulates the processes in the ovaries
The examination of these 3 hormones should be done on one of the cycle days 2-5.

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