Egg donor categories

You are free to choose the donor category you prefer – either NO ID release and ID release egg donor.

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It is up to you whether you would like an ID release or a NO ID release egg donor.

During a consultation, our doctor and/or our egg donation coordinator will explain the implication of the donor status of the egg donor. Regardless of whether you choose a NO ID release or ID release donor, the egg donor will remain anonymous for the first 18 years of the child’s life.

NO ID release egg donor
When you choose a no ID release donor, neither you nor your child will be able to access additional information about the identity of the donor.

Your child will not be able to establish contact to the egg donor, once he or she turns 18 years old.

Available information is limited to eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, blood type and occupation.


ID release egg donor
When you choose an ID release egg donor, in addition to the basic information, your child will be able to contact the donor once he or she turns 18. Your child will have the opportunity to ask any questions about his or her biological background on the part of the egg donor.

The ID release egg donor has signed a contract with the clinic in which she agrees to be available with her ID information and to be open for contact with the child when he or she is 18 years old. The contact is established by the clinic.

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