Egg donation

Do you need an egg donation? At the Sellmer Clinic we have an extensive egg cell donation program that gives you an extremely high chance of having your dream child.

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Your treatment with an egg cell donation at the Sellmer Clinic

Heterosexual and lesbian couples as well as single women can be treated in our clinic and thus have the opportunity to have a healthy child and start a family.

At Sellmer Clinic we have an extensive egg cell donation program.

Our team of experienced doctors and specialists work hard to ensure that every egg donation is done carefully and accurately to give you the best chance of conception.
With us there are no or only short waiting times, so you can get started right away and get access to our highly qualified donors. We are proud to offer a pregnancy rate of over 65 percent per egg transfer using donor eggs.
We know how important it is for you to choose the right egg donor and we have a wide range of qualified egg donors who are carefully selected and screened to ensure they meet our high health and fertility standards.

We also allow you to choose a donor that suits your preferences, so you can feel safe and comfortable throughout the process.
Our egg donation program is also designed to give you a good experience and we will support you in any way we can.

In connection with an egg donation, we guarantee a blastocyst if donor or partner sperm with a motility of over 2 million/ml were used for fertilization. We aim for 6-10 oocytes per donation per egg recipient. In very rare cases, the donor develops so many eggs that we split the donation in two.
It is highly unlikely, but never completely out of the question.

We are always available to answer your questions and provide you with the guidance you need to make informed decisions about your fertility journey.
Contact us today to learn more about our egg donation program and take the first step on your path to parenthood with no waiting time and a high success rate.

Are you considering a treatment package with baby guarantee?

It is often a long life-journey, women and couples considering egg donation have behind them:

Maybe the right partner or the right moment has not been there, maybe you have a difficult treatment period with your own eggs behind you; There are many reasons why the need for an egg donation occurs.

A dream finally coming true

When you read here, it is probably based on a desire that you now finally and certainly may succeed in getting pregnant and going all the way. With the baby guarantee, you ensure the optimal prerequisites for your dream to come true and the fertility journey to culminate in a family.

We can quickly and easily help you get started so you don’t lose more precious time. The baby guarantee creates the tranquility you need along the way so that stress and worries don’t weigh your course.

Read more about the content and prices of the treatment package here

Why choose Sellmer Clinic for your treatment?