Are you considering a treatment package with baby guarantee?
It is often a long life-journey, women and couples considering egg donation have behind them:
Maybe the right partner or the right moment has not been there, maybe you have a difficult treatment period with your own eggs behind you; There are many reasons why the need for an egg donation occurs.
A dream finally coming true
When you read here, it is probably based on a desire that you now finally and certainly may succeed in getting pregnant and going all the way. With the baby guarantee, you ensure the optimal prerequisites for your dream to come true and the fertility journey to culminate in a family.
We can quickly and easily help you get started so you don’t lose more precious time. The baby guarantee creates the tranquility you need along the way so that stress and worries don’t weigh your course.
A baby guarantee package includes:
- 3 egg donations, including all freezing, transfers and storage of blastocysts for up to 2 years. (If there are frozen blastocysts, they must be used before a new egg donation)
- The legally required blood tests for HIV and hepatitis
If there is a medical indication, the package also contains:
- Further blood tests
- Vaginal microbiome
- Examination for endometriosis and endometritis
- ERA test
- DFI test
- Embryo Glue
- Calcium ionophore
In the case of a male partner and a sperm quality of at least 2 million/ml, the package also contains a sperm analysis and, if necessary, the freezing and storage of the sperm for up to 2 years or until the package binding expires after which the sperm is destroyed.
The package does NOT include:
- Medicine
- In the case of a double donation: donor straws (handling and purification) or the services associated with a known sperm donor
- In the case of a male partner: sperm analysis and, if necessary, freezing if the sperm quality is less than 2 million/ml
- For the male partner: Tese or Tesa
The package binding ends (with):
– a live born child
– 3 egg donations and all associated transfer treatments
– 2 years after the purchase of the package (but if there is a pregnancy at the end of the package, the birth of a live child is awaited)
– 2 years after the purchase of the package (but if there are frozen blastocysts at the end of the package, they must be used before the package finally expires)
– a break of more than 4 months between treatments (the invoice date is used for this calculation)
– if the woman decides to have an abortion for a non-medical reason
– on the day when the egg recipient turns 46 years old
– the patient aks us to cancel the treatment
Potential package buyers and partners:
All prospective package buyers and their partners must be evaluated and approved by one of our doctors before the package can be purchased.
If, contrary to expectations, the baby guarantee is not fulfilled even though all package requirements have been met, 75% of the package price will be refunded.