Follicle Scan

As one of few insemination clinics, Sellmer Clinic has the possibility of performing a follicle scan.

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Before insemination

As one of few insemination clinics, Sellmer Clinic has the possibility of performing a follicle scan. We recommend having a scan done if the ovulation test continues to be negative or in other ways doesn’t really indicate the timing of your ovulation.

After the follicle scan, we are sure that there is a follicle in the current cycle. Ovulation testing can continue until it shows a positive result or the best timing of insemination can be estimated based on the scan results measuring the size of your endometrium and leading follicle.

Ultrasound examination / cardiac fibrillation

Many wish for an early confirmation of the pregnancy. That’s why we offer an ultrasound examination from weeks 7+0. You can see the heartbeat of the little fetus.

We would like to advise you that there is a risk that we will not be able to see the fetus. In that case you are welcome to come back a week later.

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